How to update Google Chrome browser driver?
First find your Google Chrome browser version number
- Open Google Chrome browser (You can access it from the Start menu)
- Click on the Menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen
- Click on Help, and then About Google Chrome
- Your Chrome browser version number can be found here
Download Google Chrome driver
- Updates to the "chromedriver.exe" executable can be found at location
- Navigate to the release section of the page and click on the link matching with your Google Chrome version number
- You will be navigated to ChromeDriver download page which contains ChromeDriver for Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems
- Click on "" to download ChromeDriver for Windows and unzip it to retrieve the chromedriver.exe executable file
- Copy "chromedriver.exe" executable file to the "[UST iSkript Project Location]/browserdrivers/chrome" folder
How to capture an object?
How to open an existing project?
How to rename Pagename/Objectname?
- Select the page/object and then press "F2" key
What is the shortcut key to delete Page/Object?